Still playing a bit of catch is the rest of February.
These are chipboard letters that I have been colouring ready to mount on a scrapbook layout for the Picture to Page craft show in early March
This is the state of my desk as I am creating stuff for the craft show.
23 & 24/2/11
Today was St Mary's welcome mass and the preps and their grade 6 buddies played a special role. The grade 6's blessed their little charges by laying their hands on their shoulders. It was surprisingly moving, although I can cry at the drop of a hat these days! Apparently, at the end of the year, the roles are reversed and the preps bless the grade 6's for their journey into secondary school. Awwwwwwwww. This is Tom with his buddy Scott. Scott also has Eric as another charge (so he has his hands full!)
This is one of the last remaining incandescent globes we have in the house. This one is in one of the bedrooms and is on dimmer.
Mark being jumped on by the kids. Looks impressed!
MY BIRTHDAY. Not the best of birthday's as Tom was sick during the night and spent the day at home. Mark then came down with gastro and spent my day in bed (in fact, it will take him to the end of the week to recover and a stint in hospital). But mum made me dinner and a cake and the kids sang "Happy Birthday". So I'm 41 now.
I cant remember if I said Happy Birthday. I know this is late but hey "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". Hope you had a super day.